Steve’s Contact Info

Have something to say to Steve? Is it nice? O.K., here’s what to do.

You can send him an email at reelcrime AT yahoo DOT com. (You know how to plug in the @ and the . yourself, right? You gotta help us hide the address from robo-spammers. Steve gets enough emails from Nigerian princes as it is.)

You can also use the form below.


You can follow Steve and DM him on Twitter by going here

Or you can get updates on Steve’s assorted doings via his Facebook author page here

You can also see what weird pictures he’s decided to post on Instagram lately here.

You can subscribe to Steve’s email newsletter — then reply to it with whatever the heck you wanna say — by going here

You can get Steve’s attention if you see him passing on the sidewalk by yelling, “Yo! Stevie Baby! Over here!”

You can’t send Steve a telegram. Not the old-fashioned “GREETINGS STOP I LIKE YOUR BOOKS STOP” kind. That’s not a thing anymore.

But you can send Steve smoke signals. He won’t understand them, though.

And finally you can project a psychic message into Steve’s mind by staring at the downloadable headshot below and thinking, “Steve...Steve...Steve...Steve....” He might just think he’s going nuts, though. And you know what? Maybe he is. (Click below or here to go to more headshot options.)